About Liza & Crow Mother
The Crow Mother is considered to be the Mother of the Kachina.
For the several nations within the Pueblo peoples, Kachina are dolls that house Energies that represent all Spirits, Elements & Concepts within the natural and super-natural.
The primary role of the Crow Mother Kachina is that of initiator of children into Kachina culture. They are not only considered Mother of Kachina, they are also said to be Mother to Tithu (Hummingbird Kachina) and Companion to Eototo (Father Kachina), both of whom are “bringers of rain”.
Working as a steward of Crow Mother, sessions with Liza bring the magic of initiation, blessings, transformation, and the cleansing rain of supportive insight - which so often clears the way for new discoveries and growth